Seedr - 国外 BT 种子离线下载神器
- 离线下载超快,2 个 G 种子大概 1 分钟
- 免费 2G 空间,并可赚取免费空间
- 国内下载速度快,平均 5MB/S can be a next-generation product or service going to deliver the bit-torrent protocol to another level as it is extremely fast and efficient as compared to the traditional torrent clients that uses peer to peer protocol to fetch torrents online. is an online torrent client that works just fine in almost every network across the globe. They also torrent streaming feature and there are options for non premium and premium users seperately. is a great alternative and a much better user-friendly website than and zbigz. You can use Internet Download Manager (IDM) to download cached torrents from seedr. The best part is that you can delete the torrents from the server whenever finished downloading, and get your space back for more torrents.
- Download torrents even if torrent traffic is blocked in your network, thus bypass torrent filter.
- No need to keep your machine powered on , just add your torrent file/magnet link to leech, and it will automatically leech for you.
- The torrent health doesn’t matter, thus you can even download torrents with lesser seeds.
- You can download torrents via IDM with Resume support!
与著名离线下载网站 Offcloud 的对比:
离线下载慢,将近 2 小时,而 Seedr 秒完成
IDM 下载速度实测:
放下我的推广链接,注册可以获得额外 500MB 容量: