[INFO] clear previous directory. [INFO] remove yuque posts: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque [INFO] reading from local file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/yuque.json [INFO] article amount: 6 [INFO] download article body: 语雀web-hook触发travis-ci构建 [INFO] download articles done! [INFO] writing to local file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/yuque.json [INFO] create posts directory (if it not exists): /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque [INFO] generate post file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque/How to add more to Git Bash on Windows.md [INFO] generate post file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque/hexo+travisCI自动部署github pages.md [INFO] generate post file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque/git-style-guide.md [INFO] generate post file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque/七牛云图床挂了?不用自定义域名找回图片.md [INFO] generate post file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque/用Adobe Acrobat为电子书制作书签.md [INFO] generate post file: /home/travis/build/MarvinXu/blog-hexo/source/_posts/yuque/语雀web-hook触发travis-ci构建.md [INFO] yuque-hexo sync done!
配置 TravisCI
script 要换成 npm run build:yuque
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
language: node_js node_js: - 10 script: - "npm run build:yuque" cache: directories: - node_modules deploy: provider: pages skip_cleanup: true github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN# Set in the settings page of your repository, as a secure variable keep_history: true repo: MarvinXu/marvinxu.github.io target_branch: master local_dir: public on: branch: master